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Diapering is arguably the least glamorous part of parenting. However, it is a necessary evil. The good news is we have cultivated a comprehensive list that will make you the Director of Diapering in no time.

Types of Diaper
The first decision you will have to make is what type of diapers to use – disposable or cloth. I mostly use disposable diapers. I have used cloth diapers occasionally in the past, but I find disposable much easier and more convenient. However, using disposable diapers means you will be buying lots of diapers and often. According to Parents magazine, your baby will use 8 to 12 diapers each day bringing your yearly total well into the thousands. While cloth diapers can help cut costs and are more eco-friendly, they do come with the extra work of washing them. Whether you use disposable or cloth is a personal choice so make sure you choose the option that works best with your lifestyle and buy in bulk!
Diaper & Wipes list
Once you have decided on what type of diaper you are going to use, it’s time to stock your changing station. Some necessities for your tool kit include:
1. Diapers
Have a hefty supply of diapers within reach so you don’t have to worry about constantly restocking. Also, have some diapers in the next size up ready to go. Your baby will be growing quickly and you’ll be prepared to size them up in an instant.
We support organic baby products and so one of our recommendation is the DYPER bamboo diapers which are organic plant based diapers that are environmentally friendly and creates minimal waste.
But we understand that some people feel comfortable the famous brands like Pampers and Huggies. For such brands amazon’s subscribe and save program works great. You stay worry free with their monthly / weekly subscription plan and get assured delivery of diapers and wipes for (lets just say) for few years!
Diapers Size 1 (8-14 lbs) Newborn, 198 Count - Pampers Swaddlers Disposable Baby Diapers, ONE MONTH SUPPLY - 5% to 15% off with amazon's subscribe and save!
2. Wipes: Wipes are essential for getting your baby clean.
Many parents and doctors suggest using fragrance-free wipes to avoid irritation, but it is a personal choice you can make for your baby.
Baby Wipes, Pampers Sensitive Water Based Baby Diaper Wipes, Hypoallergenic and Unscented - 5% to 15% off with amazon's subscribe & save program!