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Nap time tips

Updated: Dec 17, 2021

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On average, your baby will sleep from 14 to 17 hours each day. Daytime naps can be great opportunities to complete small chores around the house or catch up on a few minutes of sleep yourself. Many mums struggle to get their babies down for regular naps. They try almost every method and technique in the book, but some turns out to be unsuccessful and some works. Hopefully, you can learn from our list below and test out which of these tips will work with your baby..

Here are some tips:

1. Stick to a schedule.

Try to stick to a schedule of naps for the first few months. Learning a sleep routine early builds better habits as babies get older. Newborns from 0 to 3 months sleeps for 14 to 18 hours a day. Their schedule changes as they start getting older. Some babies preferer cat naps of 10 to 15 mins, some take 30 to 45 minutes and some for more than hour to 2 hours. Generally if the nap times are missed, then you will notice that the sleep schedule for the entire day is thrown off. Once a routine is established you will notice that the days and moods will run much smoother. So here are our tips:

2. Feed them before their nap time.

A full tummy helps baby nap longer.

3. Make the room dark.

Blackout curtains can make your baby’s nursery pitch black even in the middle of the day that helps them to associate it with sleep.

4. Keep an eye out for signs of sleepiness.

Baby gives cues and watch for them. Tired eyes, pulling on ears, and rubbing eyes are telltale signs that your baby is ready for a nap. If you miss these signs, you risk your baby getting overtired, and then putting them down for a nap becomes an uphill battle.

5. Remove any ticking clocks, phones, and noisy toys from the room.

Needless to say noise can startle to wake up your little one.

6. Play music or sing to help calm your baby.

Music has wonderful effect on adults let alone babies.

7. White noise drowns out outside noises and helps many babies fall asleep faster

There are wonderful white noise machines and apps available, but you can use something as simple as a table fan or recording or your hairdryer.

8. Snuggle with them on a rocker or rock them in their rocker or bassinet or swing.

Motion can help baby lull in to sleep quickly.

9. Keep the same place for baby to nap.

It helps to keep a similar location and setting for baby to nap. Babies can associate themselves to a place of sleeping, place to eat, bathing, changing as they grow. Some parents suggest making a separate place than the nursery for baby to nap and keep the nursery for night time sleep. Whatever you choose following a 'sleep schedule' is essential for baby's healthy growth.

Every baby is going to have their own unique schedule and special tricks that lull them into a peaceful sleep. Keep notes if a warm bath before bedtime or a few minutes of lullabies is working like a charm for your baby. The first few weeks may be rough, but establishing your routine early will ensure you and your baby are well-rested.



If you are interested, then there are some programs out there that teaches you how to put your baby to sleep such as the Baby Sleep Miracle Program. This program teaches new parents the skills to put their little one to sleep at night and regular naps through science based interventions.


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