The last trimester has a way of simultaneously flying by and dragging on. On the one hand, it feels like you’ve been pregnant forever and you’re ready for baby to be here! On the other, you feel like there are simply not enough time to get everything done before the baby arrives. Packing your hospital bag can be daunting. Of course, there are the obvious items to pack, but what about the strange odds and ends you might need? You don’t want to risk forgetting something essential! We have compiled a checklist you can use to easily pack your hospital bag to perfection – and yes, we have included items for your partner too!

You should start packing the basics of your hospital between 32 and 35 weeks, but you can start as early as 28 weeks! Obviously, items such as your toothbrush can wait until the last minute. Make sure you’re leaving any last-minute items somewhere you’ll remember to grab them. Finally, make sure to leave your packed bag somewhere accessible. Going into labor can be chaotic enough, your future self will be thanking you for being prepared!
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For Parents:
1. Comfortable clothing: whether it’s your favorite set of pajamas, a bathrobe, a t-shirt, or a nursing gown, you’ll be thankful to be rid of those uncomfortable hospital gowns! There is huge selection available on amazon and as well as at Target! Kiderly Beverly has great collection of maternity related items on this list below!
2. Nursing bras : There are strap down bras or pull over bras ! - I recommend pull over sleep bra- Soft and wireless, they provide the perfect comfort and support and wrap front provide ease access to nurse.
3. Maternity pads :The hospital will provide you with essentials for the first few days, but you may have a brand preference. These big ones provides great comfort with your flow in the first few days.
4. Slippers: Wear your hospital socks or slippers… your choice.
5. Toiletries bag with essentials such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, body wash…etc.
6. Your own pillows & blanket & towels: There is a reason no one brags about how great the pillows in their hospital suites were! Comfort is what you need during this time!
7. Lip balm- Labor is hard enough without chapped lips
8. A crunchy or headband to keep your hair off your face during labor
9. Refillable water bottle or thermos
10. Snacks!
11. Disposable plates, spoons/forks, napkins, hand wipes just in case
12. A “coming home” outfit for yourself – pretty pictures with your little one! You can also try to make a welcome baby tees for the family for memories.
For Baby:
1. Feeding pillow . The ones with belt are better than sung ones.
2. Nipple shield - Lactation consultants recommend using a nipple shield for the baby to latch better and it certainly helps in the first couple of weeks.
2. Nipple cream and oil - The initial feeding sessions are difficult, especially if this is your first delivery. Massaging the breasts with oil followed by cleaning with hot water or a hot towel will help with milk flow.
3. Sterilized baby bottles if you are using formula.
Breast pump is not needed right away. You can rent one from the hospital for the time you are in the hospital.
4. Receiving blanket / swaddle blanket– if you have a special one made for you baby. Hospitals have their own and you really don’t have time to Honestly make it easy – swaddle plus receiving blanket.
5. A “coming home outfit” – Since you cannot put a swaddled baby in a car seat, an easy-to-wear onesie works best.
6. Caps, socks, and mittens
7. Diapers and wipes - Again, the hospital will provide you with the essentials for the first couple of days, but better safe than sorry!
The Easily-Forgotten Essentials:
Car Seat – In most states, it is mandated by law that you must have your car seat installed before arriving at the hospital. You can have your installation verified at the hospital or by a certified technician at your local police station or fire station. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) provides child seat inspection stations in many cities.
Insurance information and cards
Completed hospital forms
Payment checks, if necessary
Pen and notepad – you’re going to get a lot of great information from your nurses!
Your birth plan
Cord blood kit if you’re planning on cord blood banking
Camera and its charger
Phone chargers – I recommend the extra-long ones in case your outlets are in tricky spots
Cash for vending machines
Gift from the baby to a toddler sibling
An empty bag to bring home any gifts friends and family bring to the hospital
Books or your other favorite forms of entertainment – labor can be a long process!